Arthritis is a condition that affects a person’s joints, leading to symptoms like pain, stiffness, and swelling. Surprisingly, these symptoms intensify or lessen depending on the weather and climate changes. Therefore, it becomes crucial for arthritis patients to live in only those places where the weather is favorable and does not impact their condition. This article explains how arthritis is associated with weather and the cities arthritis patients must avoid to better manage their condition.


What kind of weather affects arthritis symptoms?
Weather changes can affect some arthritis patients more than others. Studies suggest that patients experience intense pain and discomfort during colder months; even rains make their symptoms severe. On the contrary, warm and dry weather helps keep the pain at bay. Therefore, many arthritis patients prefer to vacation in warmer regions to avoid cold days.

What is barometric pressure?
Barometric pressure or atmospheric pressure is the measurement of air pressure in the atmosphere. It denotes the amount of weight exerted by air molecules at a given point. Air pressure changes with temperature; cold air carries more weight and pressure than hot air. It is hot air that makes the arthritis patients feel at ease and helps manage their symptoms.

How does barometric pressure affect arthritis patients?
Barometric pressure is responsible for the expansion and contraction of tendons, muscles, bones and tissues, which affects an arthritis patient’s symptoms. Low temperatures can thicken the fluid between the joints, making them more sensitive during movement. Similarly, pressure tends to drop before it rains, leading to the expansion of the inflamed tissue, causing more pain and discomfort. That’s how many patients can tell that it’s going to rain as their symptoms intensify before and during the rains.

Does weather affect the course of arthritis?
Arthritis has no cure. However, medication, therapy, and a few lifestyle adjustments can help manage the disease’s symptoms. Likewise, dry and warm temperatures may relieve the symptoms in some patients but won’t influence the course of arthritis. The relationship between arthritis and weather is still being studied for more concrete evidence.

Which cities arthritis patients must avoid?
Many patients have complained about increased levels of pain during low temperatures. Hence, chilly regions must be avoided. There are many cities with low temperatures in our country, but these are among the top ones arthritis patients must avoid:

  • Grand Forks: This city is exposed to cold winds. The temperatures can fall below -15℃, something that arthritis patients should avoid.
  • Williston: This North Dakota city experiences freezing winters between December and March. Besides, the city experiences rain for most of the year and should be avoided.
  • Fargo: This is another city with low temperatures and significant rainfall, with an average temperature of 6.2℃ that can increase pain and stiffness in arthritis patients.
    Besides the ones mentioned above, the other cities that should be avoided include Duluth, Aberdeen, St.Cloud, Bismarck, and Huron.

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