Cells and tissues are being constantly created and destroyed in the body. However, in some individuals, there is no efficient regeneration of bone tissues after the disintegration of the old ones. This condition is known as osteoporosis. It leads to a weakening of the bones, causing them to be brittle and susceptible to fractures. There are certain factors that increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, leading to increased symptoms.


Some of these are as follows:

Causes and risk factors for osteoporosis

As you get older, you are at a higher risk of being diagnosed with osteoporosis. People over the age of 65 are more vulnerable to the condition than people of other ages. In fact, women over the age of 50 are very likely to have osteoporosis and must therefore consult their doctor for optimal bone care and recommended changes to be made in their lifestyle.

Family history
As is observed in most diseases, having a family history of osteoporosis puts one at a higher risk of being diagnosed with the same. If you have a family member who has the condition, you should take extra care of your bones by following a healthy diet and exercise regimen so as to keep them fit and strong.\

Certain corticosteroids recommended for rheumatoid arthritis patients reduce the amount of calcium absorbed during digestion and, hence, cause a deficiency of the same. These steroids also lead to an increase in the excretion of calcium from the body. As a result, individuals who are prescribed these medications are more susceptible to osteoporosis if they do not add calcium and vitamin D supplements to their diet.

Smoking has a lot of adverse effects on the body, one of which is the weakening of muscles. The tobacco that gets absorbed in the body is known to cause a steep reduction in estrogen for women and testosterone for men. This causes weakened bones and may also lead to early menopause.

Lack of physical activity
Leading a sedentary lifestyle is one of the major risk factors that cause osteoporosis in people. It is important to add at least 20 minutes of moderate exercise to your daily routine in order to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle and avoid any such conditions.

Signs and symptoms of osteoporosis
People suffering from osteoporosis often do not get diagnosed with the condition immediately since there aren’t any significant signs and symptoms. It is usually diagnosed when an individual suffers from a bone injury or fracture from even a minor incident such as sneezing and coughing. Aside from this brittleness of the bones, the person may experience severe back pain, a fractured or collapsed vertebra, reduced height, and poor posture, among other symptoms.
Fractures due to osteoporosis are usually observed in the bones of the hips, wrists, spine, etc. These symptoms may, therefore, be prevalent in the legs, the pelvis, the spine, or the skull.
It is advisable to keep an eye out for such vulnerabilities, especially after crossing a certain age, so as to not face the repercussions later on.


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