Dry eye syndrome is a health condition in which the eyes do not produce enough tears or fluids to remain moist and hydrated. Due to this insufficiency of tears, a person is more susceptible to bacterial infections and other eye problems. This article will discuss the common symptoms of dry eyes and natural remedies.


Signs and symptoms
Dry eyes can be detected through several common signs and symptoms, such as:

  • Burning sensation: Patients may experience an intense burning or itching sensation in the eye.
  • Redness: The eyes may become red, sometimes leading to inflammation.
  • Blurred vision: Dry eyes may lead to blurry vision, making it difficult to see clearly.
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses: Patients may find it difficult to wear contact lenses due to a lack of lubrication.
  • Deposits around the eye: The condition may cause sticky mucus deposits around the eyes.


Natural remedies
In milder cases, dry eyes can be treated with some effective natural remedies, such as those mentioned below.

  • Warm compress
    Sometimes, dry eyes can be caused due to clogged glands that do not secrete enough oil. Applying a warm compress on the eyes can help clear up these glands and increase the flow of tears through the eye ducts, reducing inflammation.
  • Blink more
    Increasing the frequency of blinking can help lubricate the eyes by inducing more tears to flow. While forcefully blinking can sometimes look and feel strange, practicing a healthy number of blinks, especially while staring at screens, can help prevent the eyes from drying out very often.
  • Eye wash
    We tend to touch our eyes and rub them many times during the day. Hence, it is necessary to wash them frequently to reduce inflammation and eliminate crusty depositions or dirt from the eyelids. One can use gentle cleansers or shampoos to wash their eyes along with some warm water, especially when cleaning eye makeup.
  • Rest
    People who do not get enough sleep during the day are more vulnerable to have dry eyes. A lack of rest leads to inefficient eye hydration, resulting in inflammation and a burning sensation that can last for quite long. Avoiding screen time an hour before bedtime and practicing calming habits can help get a good night’s sleep.
  • Drink more water
    Tears constitute oil, water, and mucus. A lack of water in the body can very well be the cause of dry eyes in some people. Water is necessary to provide proper lubrication for the eyes. It also prevents any inflammation and bacterial infection without causing unnecessary strain to the eyes.
  • Limit exposure to the electronic devices
    Spending too much time in front of the screen is one of the biggest causes of dry eyes. It is essential to rest the eyes frequently in the day and take breaks from the screen as much as possible. It is also recommended to get glasses that offer protection from blue light. Adopting such simple practices can help control the symptoms of dry eyes.


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