Here’s What Causes Hemophilia

Here’s What Causes Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder that affects thousands of males in the country. It is usually diagnosed at a young age, with the median age of diagnosis being 36 months for people with mild hemophilia, eight months for those with moderate hemophilia, and one month for those with severe hemophilia. This article will give you a meticulous understanding of the disease, including its causes and symptoms.


Types of hemophilia
“Clotting factors” are certain proteins in the blood that help in blood clotting. A person suffering from hemophilia lacks these proteins, which makes them bleed for longer compared to a normal person. Hemophilia is classified based on the type of clotting factor missing in the blood.

  • Hemophilia A
    Around 85% of hemophilia cases are of this type. It is characterized by the lack of clotting factor VIII in the blood.
  • Hemophilia B
    Insufficient levels of clotting factor IX results in hemophilia B. The condition is, however, four times less common than hemophilia A.
  • Hemophilia C
    Hemophilia C is caused due to the lack of clotting factor XI in the blood. Unlike the other two, hemophilia C affects both men and women equally.

Causes of hemophilia
Blood clotting is an important mechanism that prevents excessive bleeding. The cells in the blood gather around a wound site to form a clot, with clotting factors encouraging the clotting process. A deficiency of any of these factors results in hemophilia. The absence of clotting factors is largely due to inherited genes. A defect in the genes that determines how the body produces the various clotting factors causes hemophilia. The defective gene is located on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes, while males inherit one X and one Y chromosome from their parents. Despite that, females don’t usually get hemophilia. This is because even if they have an altered gene in one of the X chromosomes, they have enough clotting factors in the other X chromosome to avoid bleeding issues. Males, meanwhile, only have one X chromosome, so they are more likely to suffer from the problem. Since the altered genes that cause hemophilia are present on the X chromosome, fathers cannot pass down the disease directly to their children. Both hemophilia A and B are caused due to this issue, although various other types of hemophilia might result from different reasons. Acquired hemophilia, for instance, occurs when the body’s immune system starts attacking the clotting factors in the blood. Pregnancy, cancer, and autoimmune conditions are possible factors behind the problem.

Symptoms of hemophilia
The symptoms of hemophilia vary depending on the level of clotting factor in your blood. The prominent ones are:

  • Excessive bleeding from the smallest of cuts or injuries
  • Deep bruises
  • Bleeding gums
  • Blood in the urine and stool
  • Pain and swelling in the joints
  • Frequent nosebleeds
5 Allergies That Trigger Nasal Polyps

5 Allergies That Trigger Nasal Polyps

Whenever our body comes in contact with an allergen, it sets off an immune response to fend off the foreign element. As a result, the airways or sinuses swell up. This sudden inflammation may trigger nasal polyps, a cluster of translucid growth that accumulates in the nasal tract. People can, however, avoid this condition by understanding how the following allergies and nasal polyps are linked and by staying away from triggers.


Pollen allergy
Pollen released from plants is a common allergen that irritates the nasal passage. The trees, flowers, and weeds in the environment fill the air with pollen grains. When people inhale these grains, their bodies may not react in the best way. They may experience symptoms like runny nose, wheezing, and congestion. If a person already has nasal polyps, chances are their condition may worsen, and they may find it difficult to breathe from the nose.

Pet dander allergy
Pet dander is the little flecks of skin from birds, cats, and dogs that accumulate over time. It’s a common allergen that can cause inflammation of mucous membranes, which may lead to nasal polyps, and in some cases, asthma. People who are prone to allergies from pet dander should avoid visiting animal shelters or homes with pets.

Dust allergy
The dust in the air may play a significant role in the development of nasal polyps. People who are allergic to dust mites have to suffer from continuous sneezing, leaky nose, and itchiness. These lead to inflammation of the tissues in the airways and create conditions that may induce the growth of polyps. If a person has a dust allergy, they should wear a mask whenever they enter musty rooms or clean old furniture.

Aspirin allergy
The body sometimes reacts harshly to over-the-counter medicines like aspirin. Within an hour or so of taking the tablet, one may develop an allergic reaction to it. Hives appear over the skin, and the nose begins to leak. These conditions can lead to tiny developments of nasal polyps. Swellings may appear in the nose, too, which may prolong recovery.

Mold allergy
People who have mold allergies often sneeze or cough when they come in contact with fungi. Some have it worse and have to deal with itchy eyes, blockage in airways, and also nasal polyps. By keeping rooms clean and surfaces free of moldy substances, people may lower the risk of these conditions. A humidifier can also help reduce mold accumulation and prevent nasal polyps.

Allergies can make one feel sick for days, especially when they trigger nasal polyps and cause serious discomfort. If these two conditions occur together, speak to a health care provider and receive the treatment to feel better.


Different Factors that Can Trigger Migraines

Different Factors that Can Trigger Migraines

A migraine is a form of headache that keeps occurring at frequent intervals. In some cases, it can be quite intense and debilitating and can last for hours or even days. Sometimes, such headaches are accompanied by other physiological symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and dizziness. These can be induced due to some triggers that may be specific to each person. Some such common migraine triggers are as follows:

Stress is one of the main triggers of migraines as is observed in most people. There are a few cases where individuals tend to experience migraines after sudden abrupt stressors followed by a period of relaxation or vice versa. It is quite common for people to experience migraines at the end of a long week or after returning from a long vacation.

Lack of sleep
In some individuals, migraines are caused due to a lack of sleep, which results in an acute attack with no premonitions whatsoever. On the other hand, it is also possible to experience migraines after sleeping for too long. Figuring out how much sleep your body needs and sticking to a routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time can help in preventing such migraine attacks.

If your food habits have been altered for a few days or if you haven’t been drinking sufficient water throughout the day, it is quite possible that you may experience migraines due to mild dehydration. This type of dehydration not only causes migraines in people but is also known to trigger “hangover-like” symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, constipation, etc. It is thus important to make sure you drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water a day and eat the right kind of food and the right amount of it.

People who are in the habit of drinking multiple cups of coffee throughout the day can often experience such migraine attacks more frequently than others. Moreover, suddenly stopping the consumption of caffeine can also result in withdrawal-like symptoms and severe headaches. It is recommended to limiting your daily caffeine intake to 2-3 cups a day at first and reducing it gradually as opposed to going cold turkey.

External factors
External factors may include circumstances and conditions outside of our body that cause migraines. These factors may include environmental changes, certain sensory stimulants, etc. In most cases, changes in the weather and the temperature are known to have an impact on our bodies. Any sudden changes in the temperature or the climate can induce acute migraine attacks in people at any given time. External stimuli such as loud sounds or flickering lights can also have this effect.

Certain medications
Certain medication, when taken in a larger dosage than the recommended amount, can result in migraine attacks in people. Also, medications such as oral contraceptives are known to induce such headaches in people prone to them.


Effectiveness and Side Effects of Top 5 Birth Controls

Effectiveness and Side Effects of Top 5 Birth Controls

The most effective kind of birth control is the one that fits your lifestyle and meets your needs. Since our bodies are so different from one another’s, one type of birth control does not suit everyone. Furthermore, picking the right method seems difficult due to many options out there. Therefore, we have narrowed the list to the 5 most common birth control methods. Read on to find out what they are.

Tubal ligation
In this procedure, the doctor seals or ties up the two fallopian tubes in the body. This restricts the transportation of the eggs to the uterus. It is a permanent birth control method and can rarely be reversed.

Tubal ligation is more than 99% effective.

Side effects
Some side effects could be bleeding, infections, or even ectopic pregnancy (A condition in which the egg grows outside the uterus).

A birth control implant is a small needle-like structure containing progestin. It is inserted in one’s arm and can protect you from pregnancy for up to 3 years at a time. It can also be reversed if you want to get pregnant.

Birth control implants are 99% effective.

Side effects
Implants may cause certain side effects, such as weight gain, changes in one’s period cycle, and breast tenderness.

Using an injection, a doctor will give you a progestin dose once every three weeks. It protects you from pregnancy right from the first shot. It is essential to take your shots on time. You will not ovulate for up to 12 months following the shot.

When used correctly, it is effective about 99% of the time. Else, it is effective 94% of the time.

Side effects
Side effects can vary from mild headache or dizziness to severe depression and reduced bone density.

A birth control patch is supposed to be stuck on either your abdomen, arm, or buttocks. The skin then absorbs progestin and estrogen from it. It is vital to use a new patch every week for three weeks and skip the fourth one so you have your period.

It is 99% effective when used correctly; if not, it is effective 91% of the time.

Side effects
One may experience skin reactions, abdominal pain, or nausea. More severe side effects could be heart attacks, blood clots, or cancer.

A pill that contains estrogen and progestin is taken every day at the same time. The dosage could be prescribed for a month or even a year. It does not protect one from STDs; however, it effectively prevents pregnancies.

When used ideally, birth control pills are 99% effective. If not used, it is only 91% effective.

Side effects
Extended use of birth control pills can cause fewer or no periods, breast tenderness, and nausea.


Acid Reflux – Causes and Prevention

Acid Reflux – Causes and Prevention

After people eat something that doesn’t agree with their body, they may feel like the stomach acid is moving back into the esophagus. This specific movement of contents is referred to as acid reflux. Many who experience it constantly may feel an unsettling sensation in the chest. They may also feel like there’s something in their throat. Are you seeking relief from this condition? Learning about the causes and prevention of acid reflux may help.

Factors that lead to acid reflux
There are different causes for acid reflux. Poor dietary choices may increase one’s risk of it, or muscle weakness may be at fault. Take a look at the usual factors.

Weak lower esophageal sphincter
Sometimes the muscles in the body are too weak to function effectively. People with acid reflux may have a weak lower esophageal sphincter that doesn’t entirely seal the passage between the esophagus and the stomach. This can cause the fluid in the stomach to enter the esophagus.

Smoking cigarettes
Cigarettes have a high quantity of tobacco that can deteriorate the muscles. That’s why those who smoke experience reduced LES muscle function, which leads to acid reflux. Smoking also decreases salivation, essential to treat acid in the body.

Certain foods
Chocolates and spicy foods can increase the chances of stomach acid slipping back into the esophagus. The more one eats these, the more severe the symptoms will become. Eating citrus fruits and food that is high in fat can cause acid reflux too.

Prevention of acid reflux
After knowing the causes, it becomes easier to avoid conditions that lead to acid reflux consciously. Here are some more ways in which this condition can be prevented.

  • Eat at a slower pace
    Eating too quickly can fill up the stomach and cause its contents to push back into the esophagus. To avoid this, try having moderate portions of meals at a slow pace. Bite and chew the food well to give the body enough time to break the contents down and digest it completely.
  • Use a foam wedge pillow
    A good sleeping posture can improve symptoms related to acid reflux. This can be achieved with a foam wedge pillow. It drastically elevates the head, shoulders, and core to stop acid from leaking into the esophagus. Such pillows are made specifically to deliver consistent support and may also help in improving sleep quality.
  • Don’t sleep after meals
    After getting done with lunch or dinner, don’t take a nap because the stomach acid will end up flowing back into the esophagus. Sit, stand, or walk around to aid digestion. Snacking late in the night can also trigger reflux. It is advisable to give the body three hours to do its job before hitting the bed.
    Such significant changes in one’s lifestyle can treat acid reflux. All it takes is making the right decisions when it comes to food, sleep, and health.


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