Foods That Help Soothe Eczema Symptoms

Foods That Help Soothe Eczema Symptoms

Eczema is characterized by itchy, inflamed skin. This condition also accompanies signs like rough and cracked skin, commonly appearing on the arms and behind the knees. This type of atopic dermatitis is more common among infants and toddlers. The topical skin inflammation is tamed with medication and a few ointments. However, some foods could also help relieve the symptoms of eczema and the same are listed below.

Fatty Fish
Fish like salmon, herring, anchovy, and mackerel fish are packed with omega 3-fatty acids, which is a potent source of anti-inflammatory properties. If you’re a vegetarian, you can consider taking omega-3 supplements instead.

Foods High in Probiotics
Foods like yogurt, miso, kefir, tempeh, kombucha, sauerkraut comprise probiotics, which are live and active cultures that are beneficial bacteria for your gut. The foods are most effective at reducing eczema flare-ups when made at home instead of being store-bought.

Foods Containing Quercetin
Apples, blueberry, kale, spinach, broccoli, cherries, and pomegranate have one thing in common: their deep, pigmented color owing to a plant-based flavonoid called quercetin. These foods are packed with powerful antioxidants and antihistamines that help curb the flare-up of eczema.

Foods Rich in Vitamin E
Vitamin-E-rich foods like almonds, avocados, mangoes, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pumpkins, and red bell peppers can help alleviate roughness or dryness of the skin, which significantly contributes to eczema flare-ups. Vitamin E also plays a key role in soothing symptoms of diseases that are caused due to inflammation. You can also opt for vitamin supplements as an alternative.

Foods High in Potassium
Bananas, cantaloupe, apricots, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and cucumbers are abundantly filled with potassium and help alleviate irritation and inflammation caused by eczema as potassium is an anti-inflammatory nutrient. These are skin-friendly foods that help lower the intensity of flare-ups. Other foods from this category include white beans, acorn squash, broccoli, spinach, and avocado.

  • Bone Broth
    Beef and chicken bone broth are highly beneficial for people with inflammation. Besides being highly nutritional, broth helps boats of amino acids and vitamins that help heal the gut. While most eczema patients are also diagnosed with food allergies that play a key role in contributing flare-ups, they are likely to be prescribed a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods.
  • Rice Milk
    Since allergies are a vital part of eczema, patients are requested to limit their intake of cow or soy milk, and eggs. Any plant-based milk can also trigger eczema flare-ups as they are high in proteins. Besides rice milk is a great alternative for people with severe allergies as it eliminates dairy, gluten, soy, or nuts. Rice milk is naturally sweeter in taste and can be fortified with vitamin D, vitamin A, and calcium.
    While intake of these foods helps curb the symptoms of eczema, it is imperative that you check with your doctor before going ahead with a certain diet.


5 Healthy Snacks for Diabetics

5 Healthy Snacks for Diabetics

Snacking is good for health when done right. Having small portions of nutritious food helps lose weight and stabilize blood sugar, which benefits people with diabetes, especially. At the same time, avoiding unhealthy fats and sugars is essential while managing blood sugar, which means high-preservative treats should be avoided. So what should patients snack on? Here are five natural snacks perfect for diabetics.

Yogurt and berries parfait
This layered mix of fresh yogurt and berries is a refreshing snack with many benefits. Yogurt can lower blood sugar with its probiotic goodness and also help the body break down food optimally. On the other hand, berries give the body a good dose of antioxidants that protect the pancreas and help flush out toxins from the bloodstream. This natural snack checks most boxes: fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins. And, it’s delicious!

Roasted chickpeas
Chickpeas are packed with fiber, making them beneficial for those with diabetes. As fiber takes its own sweet time to break down, it releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream, preventing blood sugar from shooting up. Chickpeas are also a fantastic source of protein. To turn them into a tasty snack, patients can roast some chickpeas, drizzle olive oil, and sprinkle the spices they like.

Avocados and lime
Avocados are delicious fruits that can quickly be turned into a snack with a dash of lime. This tasty blend is excellent for maintaining blood sugar. Avocados also have monounsaturated fatty acids that keep a check on cholesterol levels, reducing the chances of diabetes complications like stroke and heart disease. There are different ways to snack on avocados and lime. One can blend them into a smoothie for a nourishing drink, add them to a salad, or have them with a little seasoning.

Pistachios are a storehouse of unsaturated fat, protein, and fiber, and a handful of these nuts help stabilize blood sugar and pressure. Pistachios are a snack by themselves, but one can also use them as a quick topping to any meal. Patients can drop them into their breakfast bowl with some fresh berries or add them to a homemade sauce for a pop of color and a little crunch.

Eggplant chips
People are addicted to potato chips because they are tasty and easy to munch on. But what if we swap the potato with eggplant? Eggplant is a nutritious alternative that turns out pretty crisp and delicious after some baking and seasoning. Moreover, it is a perfect snack for people with diabetes because of its high-fiber content and polyphenols, which encourage the body to stabilize blood sugar.

Managing diabetes involves paying close attention to the food one eats. Munching on snacks made with fruits, veggies, nuts, and other all-natural ingredients will supply nutrition to the body and keep a person healthy.


8 Easy and Delicious Snacks for Kids

8 Easy and Delicious Snacks for Kids

Parents need to keep some healthy snacks around to satiate those hunger pangs in kids. While they can be fussy eaters, cool snacks paired with nutritious foods can encourage them to eat healthier. But how to do that? With a little bit of motivation and some preparation, you can whip up some delicious kid-friendly snacks in under an hour. Give these eight super-easy snack recipes for kids a try.

Sandwich cubes
It’s just like your regular sandwich but cut into tiny fours. To make these, place some thinly sliced tomatoes, lettuce, salami, and cheese on whole wheat bread. You can also add unsweetened peanut butter or eggs for some extra protein.

Smoothies are a great way to sneak in some veggies and fruits into your kid’s diet. Plus, they taste absolutely delicious. throw in some frozen berries, spinach, fresh bananas, and peanut butter into a blender. If you wish to get that creamy texture, add a cup of greek yogurt and a dash of milk, and your delicious smoothie is ready.

Baked sweet potato fries
Who doesn’t love fries? These baked sweet potato fries are an easy, delicious, and super-healthy variation of your regular greasy fries. You will need some olive oil, fresh sweet potatoes, and sea salt to make these. Bake until crispy and serve them with some ketchup or a homemade dip.

Baked veggie chips
You can use zucchini, potatoes, beetroot, and sweet potatoes to make these delicious chips. Slice them thinly and place them on the baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 250F and place the tray in the oven till crispy. Your yummy and healthy veggie chips are ready.

Hummus and veggies
Fresh veggies and hummus are a fantastic combination and a great way to get your kids to eat something healthy. You could serve some baby carrots or any other raw veggies with the hummus. A bunch of whole wheat crackers paired with the creamy dip is perfectly healthy too.

Mini frittatas
Kids love things that look new and delicious—just like these tiny frittatas. You can throw in all the veggies you want them to eat and add in some bagel seasoning and grated cheddar. Bake until they are lightly golden, and your mini frittatas are ready to serve!

Fruit and peanut butter sandwiches
Fruits and peanut butter go great together. Not just that; they make for a delicious snack for kids. Pick any fruit of your choice, cut them into thin slices, and spread a dollop of peanut butter on one of the slices. Place it over the other slice, and your fruit sandwiches are ready to eat!

Muffins need not be full of refined sugar and unhealthy ingredients. Create these easy and healthy muffins using eggs, veggies, fruits, and some of your kids’ favorite ingredients. Instead of all-purpose flour, try using whole wheat flour to make the muffins more nutritious.


9 Foods That Soothe Ulcerative Colitis Flare-up

9 Foods That Soothe Ulcerative Colitis Flare-up

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel condition associated with the development of ulcers on the inner lining of the large intestine and the rectum. This autoimmune disease causes discomforting symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, rectal bleeding, and bowel movement urgency. While there are medical treatments to manage the symptoms, dietary changes can be highly beneficial for ulcerative colitis flare.

Rice, eggs, white pasta
To avoid a UC flare-up, the key is to avoid spicy and savory foods. One must resort to bland foods like rice, plain egg whites, white pasta, avocado, steamed fish, plain oats, and non-citrus juices.

Milk, cheese, pudding, and yogurt
Dairy products can be included in the diet if the patient isn’t lactose intolerant. However, remember to opt for unsweetened products.

Ripe fruits
Ripe fruits have a soft texture, and that is the ideal way to consume foods for people who have ulcerative colitis. You can eat fruits like soft bananas, pears, peaches, cantaloupe, and papaya. Such fruits are easy to digest and don’t interfere with the inflammation in the intestine compared to raw fruits.

Well-cooked vegetables
High-fibrous foods like broccoli, spinach, asparagus, and beans are a little tough to digest. This means our bodies take time to break these down, and usually, the system has to work twice as hard. For smooth digestion, vegetables must be thoroughly cooked instead of being sauteed and left crispy.

Kimchi, kefir, miso, sauerkraut
These are probiotic foods that are rich in good bacteria. Good bacteria are especially beneficial for the gut as they aid in digestion and soothes UC symptoms. Ulcerative colitis is an illness that involves the growth of abnormal gut bacteria that tries to outnumber the good bacteria. That’s why doctors emphasize including foods that are high in probiotics.

Jerusalem artichokes, oats, leeks, onions, garlic, and dandelion root
Prebiotic foods listed above help feed the good bacteria, which is essential in creating a healthy balance of microbes. It’s ideal to have both good and bad bacteria in balance to help soothe the inflammation.

Applesauce (unsweetened)
The best bet is to prepare homemade applesauce as it will be free from preservatives, sugar, and food color. All these ingredients can contribute to an ulcerative colitis flare-up and are hence to be avoided.

Salmon, sardines, walnuts, chia, and flax seeds
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can aid in soothing the inflammation and, in turn, help manage the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Additionally, it also helps prevent relapses. While there are many omega-3 fatty acids supplements available in the market, it’s best to consume them in their natural form.

Lean meat, poultry, soy-based foods, and legumes
Try to get an adequate intake of proteins right after a flare, as a lot of it is lost during the severe inflammation. This category includes foods like skinless chicken and turkey, fat-trimmed pork, fish, and eggs infused with omega-3 fatty acids.

While this article shares foods to eat during an ulcerative colitis flare, it’s important to discuss your diet with your doctor.


Top 8 Foods to Relieve Joint Pain

Top 8 Foods to Relieve Joint Pain

The worst part about a condition like joint pain is how debilitating it is. Morning stiffness, pain, and inflammation make it difficult for people to function normally. Although no particular diet aids the development of arthritis, making smarter food choices can help you go a long way towards maintaining its symptoms. In this article, we will be discussing the different kinds of foods that can help alleviate arthritis symptoms.

Cruciferous vegetables
In addition to other healthy foods, one must eat a bunch of cruciferous veggies every day. These are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.They also contain an element called sulforaphane, which blocks a cell that causes rheumatoid arthritis. Broccoli, kale, and collard greens are a few of the options you can add to your diet.

Garlic and ginger
Both garlic and ginger are jam-packed with health benefits. They have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce symptoms of arthritis, including knee pain. Garlic also helps strengthen the immune system and keep heart diseases at bay. The gingerol in ginger reacts with heat- and pain-sensitive receptors, helping control inflammation levels in the body.

Green tea
This popular beverage has significant health benefits. It contains polyphenolic compounds, which are a substance containing anti-inflammatory properties. This reduces joint pain and limits or blocks the production of certain cartilage-destroying molecules. It is important to choose organic brands to avoid the presence of pesticides in the tea.

Blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries are just a few of the many berries that provide you with arthritis-fighting agents. They are exceptionally rich in different vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory properties. One can easily eat them fresh, dried, or by adding them to cereals, oatmeal, and smoothies.

Fatty fish
Fish like mackerel, salmon, and trout are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce stiffness and pain. Additionally, arthritis can be a result of a vitamin D deficiency, and two servings of the protein a week may provide you with an adequate amount of the nutrient.

Tart cherries
Tart cherries are especially high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. A serving of sugar-free, natural tart cherry juice per day can alleviate the symptoms of the condition. It is also loaded with other nutrients and health benefits. Pairing it with other pain management foods can help you manage the issues that come with the joint disorder.

High in antioxidants and nutrients, walnuts make for a great snack. Their properties help ease the symptoms of arthritis and joint pain. Apart from this, the omega-3 fatty acids present in them are associated with reduced levels of pain.

Herbs and spices
Spices like turmeric are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. A hugely common ingredient in Indian and South-Asian cuisine, you can use it in smoothies, or blend it with other spices like black pepper. It has been reported that people who took curcumin supplements regularly could walk better and felt less pain over time.


6 Healthy Eating Tips for Schizophrenia Patients

6 Healthy Eating Tips for Schizophrenia Patients

Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that causes a patient to experience frequent hallucinations and delusions. It directly affects an individual’s ability to think clearly and can also affect their regular behavior. The condition is influenced by multiple factors like genetics, brain chemistry, and the external environment, and the severity of the symptoms also depends on one’s dietary habits.

Here are a few dietary tips for schizophrenia patients to better manage the condition:

Eat more fruits and veggies
A healthy and balanced diet is important for schizophrenia patients, and including a lot of fruits and vegetables in the diet ensures an increased consumption of whole foods and natural ingredients. The natural sugars in these foods cause lower insulin spikes as compared to those caused by refined sugars. So, it is better to reach for a fruit rather than eating sugary processed foods or baked goods to satiate one’s sweet tooth.

Choose fibrous foods
Schizophrenia symptoms are known to worsen in patients who are obese or overweight. Fibrous foods are beneficial in such cases as they promote digestive health and help an individual stay full for longer, preventing overeating. This dietary tip makes it easier for schizophrenia patients to maintain a healthy weight and manage the condition effectively.

Get more vitamins
Certain schizophrenia patients may have a B-vitamin complex deficiency and may need supplements to make up for it. An effective dietary tip for schizophrenia patients is to regularly eat foods that are rich in B vitamins like niacin and riboflavin. Such foods include clams, tomatoes, green vegetables, eggs, fish, and poultry.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Other nutrients that many schizophrenia patients seem to be deficient in are omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are present in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, or one can opt for other foods like flax seeds and nuts. One can also take Omega-3 supplements after consulting a doctor.

Avoid gluten
In some cases, sensitivity to wheat and gluten may aggravate the symptoms of schizophrenia. Gluten is a specific type of protein that is usually found in grains like rye, wheat, and barley. It is known to interfere with brain functioning and can obstruct communication within the body through neurotransmitters. So, it’s best to steer clear of foods that contain gluten.

Avoid excess sugar, salt, and fats
While healthy fats are important, an important dietary tip for schizophrenia patients is to cut down on all kinds of saturated fats. One should also try and moderate their consumption of refined sugar and salt to lead a healthy life with the condition. Sugar and salt in certain foods can be addictive after a period of time, inducing cravings for more such foods. This can, eventually, lead to overeating and cause weight gain.


5 Nutrition Mistakes Made by COPD Patients

5 Nutrition Mistakes Made by COPD Patients

Making the right dietary choices forms a big part of managing any illness. This is especially the case for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). As they experience severe lung-related symptoms, monitoring food intake becomes important to ensure nothing triggers the condition. However, many patients unknowingly make dietary mistakes that have greater effects on their health than they can foresee. Knowing these common errors can help with preventive care.

Snacking on processed food
Processed foods contain preservatives, additives, and colors that are bad for you. They increase the toxins in the bloodstream and also have minimal nutritional value, which can trigger COPD symptoms. Patients should avoid cold cuts and cured meats, like ham, bacon, and turkey slices. These contain nitrates that hinder digestion and make it difficult for COPD patients to cope with the condition.

Including cruciferous veggies in the diet
We are told time and again that cruciferous vegetables are good for our health. So, it is no surprise that COPD patients make the mistake of having veggies like broccoli, cabbage, kale, and bok choy. All these greens are rich in fiber, which makes them bad for COPD. The fiber causes digestive problems, as it is a complex matter to break down. This affects airflow and breathing. Although nutritious, it’s better to limit consumption of these cruciferous veggies.

Eating foods that cause bloating
Bloating does no good to the body, especially for people with COPD, as it causes breathing problems. Foods like apples, melons, and peaches can increase the amount of gas in the body and worsen the symptoms. Having too much spicy food can lead to gas buildup as well. When the stomach bloats, it increases pain in the intestines, which, in turn, can cause disturbance to patients.

High sodium intake
Salt brings out the flavor in any meal. So, it is present in almost everything we eat. But this taste-booster has sodium, which retains water in the body and causes dehydration. When the body is deprived of water, the organs have to work harder to carry out their normal functions. This applies pressure on the lungs and heart and can lead to breathing issues. As a precaution, consume foods with minimal salt and drink enough water.

Another dietary mistake that COPD patients make is eating sizable portions of food. The body uses up energy to eat and digest food, and overeating can tire the body. Moreover, if you’re eating junk food, which is like consuming empty calories, the body derives minimal energy and fails to function optimally. Help the body out by consuming smaller meals during the day. Doing this will boost the circulation of nutrients throughout the body and will reduce the risk of shortness of breath.
COPD patients need to take proactive measures to maintain the health of their lungs. A good way to start this is by avoiding the above mistakes. Also, follow a balanced diet filled with nutrition to gradually notice an improvement in symptoms.


6 Cholestrol-Lowering Foods

6 Cholestrol-Lowering Foods

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found naturally in the body. Produced by the liver, it helps protect nerves, make new cells, and produce certain hormones. However, maintaining its level is essential, as too much cholesterol blocks the blood vessels, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Besides medications, the food you eat can also help bring down the cholesterol level in your bloodstream. Here are the best cholesterol-lowering foods out there.

Nuts find use in all types of diets. They’re tremendously nutritious, containing a fair amount of calories, fats, and protein. Almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts are all potent at lowering cholesterol, with pistachios also good at keeping the triglyceride level in check. Regular consumption of nuts also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, the deadliest risk factors of high cholesterol. The fruit reduces inflammation and could prove beneficial for diabetes patients as well.

Avocados can often go under the radar when talking about fruits. It’s not as popular as bananas, even though it has more potassium than the latter. Research, additionally, suggests that avocados can reduce blood triglycerides by up to 20%, “bad” LDL cholesterol by up to 22%, and increase the HDL “good” cholesterol level by up to 11%. The fruit is also rich in antioxidants like carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which help protect the eye.

Soy foods
Soybeans are a good source of fiber and protein and can aid in controlling cholesterol. A diet rich in these soy foods, including tofu, soymilk, and soy sauce, has been linked to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This could be a consequence of its effect on the level of LDL and total cholesterol in the bloodstream. Regular intake of soy products, especially soy milk and soybean, improves the condition of the blood vessels, affording greater elasticity to the arteries.

Garlic has strong anti-inflammatory benefits, which help improve blood circulation. It also controls the total cholesterol level, although the benefits kick in after prolonged use and not suddenly. Both these factors combine to decrease the chances of cardiovascular diseases, like heart attack and stroke. Adding garlic to the diet is effortless.

Fatty fish
Fish is one of the best foods for your heart. Studies have confirmed that people who eat fish regularly are less likely to suffer from heart diseases and stroke. A large part of it is due to the high omega-3 fatty acid content in it, which also develops the brain and eye. A diet rich in salmon and mackerel might also reduce signs of aging.

Green tea, along with black and white tea, has medicinal properties that can improve cholesterol levels. They contain catechins and quercetin compounds that prevent blood clots, improve blood circulation and blood vessel function, and lower inflammation. Research also suggests that tea lowers LDL and total cholesterol levels.


7 Foods That COPD Patients Should Avoid

7 Foods That COPD Patients Should Avoid

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of respiratory diseases, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis, that cause breathing difficulties due to blockages in the airways and lungs. Diet and lifestyle play important roles in managing the symptoms. Certain foods help relieve the symptoms, while some can aggravate the condition, so it’s important to understand which ones can be harmful.

Here are seven worst foods for COPD patients.

Cruciferous vegetables
Any foods that trigger bloating are harmful to people with respiratory diseases. Cruciferous vegetables are beneficial for the body, but they are known to cause gas and bloating in many. This can aggravate COPD, so these veggies are best restricted from the diet.

Bread or other foods that contain simple and refined carbohydrates and sugars are known to have inflammatory properties that may contribute to worsening lung health in people with COPD and other respiratory conditions. Sources of simple carbohydrates are among the worst foods for COPD patients as they also cause excess carbon dioxide production, stressing the lungs. Instead, complex carbohydrates can be chosen as they also provide the necessary nutrition along with triggering carbon dioxide production.

Fried foods
Fried and greasy foods are also known to cause bloating and inflammation in some people. These foods also elevate the risk of gaining weight and can cause obesity, which can worsen COPD and other respiratory conditions. Instead, one can switch to baked alternatives when craving some crispy treats.

Excess consumption of salt increases the sodium levels in the blood, which can lead to excess fluid retention in the body. This may also elevate blood pressure and cause shortness of breath. Limiting salt consumption and choosing to add more herbs and spices for flavor can help manage COPD.

Processed meats
Processed or cured meats are also among the worst foods for COPD patients. The nitrites, which are added to help increase the shelf life of processed meats, are known to worsen lung-disorders and may result in lung inflammation. So, it’s best to stay away from cured meats like bacon and ham.

Excessive alcohol consumption can prove detrimental in several ways. It puts an individual at risk of contracting heart disorders and stresses the liver, and the sulfites in alcohol can worsen asthmatic symptoms. So, COPD patients are recommended to limit their alcohol consumption to a couple of drinks a week.

Sure, milk and milk products are packed with nutrition, but they’re among the worst foods for COPD patients. The breakdown of milk releases casomorphin, a substance that increases mucus production in the body and leads to a feeling of thick phlegm. This excess mucus and phlegm need to be expelled from the body, which triggers coughing. Intolerance to dairy may also cause bloating in certain people.


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