Hair Loss – Types and Treatments

Hair Loss – Types and Treatments

Hair loss with old age is common, and so is losing hair while brushing or taking a shower. However, premature bald patches and a receding hairline can significantly impact a person’s confidence. If you’re suffering from any hair loss, it’s imperative to get it diagnosed and curb further loss of hair. Let’s take a look at the types of hair loss and treatments one can opt for.
Hair loss types

Hair loss is also referred to as alopecia, and there are many types of it.

Involutional alopecia
Hair loss due to old age is referred to as involutional alopecia.

Androgenic alopecia
This is a genetic condition affecting both genders, and it is termed as male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. While men can experience balding in their teens or 20s, women experience hair thinning likely after 40. This type of hair loss can show the signs of receding hairline, hair thinning, bald patches on the crown or frontal scalp.

Alopecia areata
If you notice bald patches anywhere on the head, it probably is because of alopecia. It could occur at any age.

Alopecia universalis
In this condition, the patient loses hair from all parts of their body — eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair.

This condition, common among children, is a psychological disorder where they pull out their hair.

Telogen effluvium
When one experiences hair thinning across the scalp, it is most likely due to this condition. Many follicles enter into the resting phase at the same time, causing temporary hair thinning.

Scarring alopecias
This condition occurs when one suffers from inflammatory skin conditions like cellulitis, folliculitis, acne, lupus, and lichen planus. Some of these conditions cause scarring, which eventually leads to balding.

Hair loss treatments

  • Minoxidil
    This is a topical medicine, which can be applied directly to the scalp. The medicine is available in many forms – foam, liquid, and even shampoo. Although, it is said to be most effective in the foam form. This medicine is commonly combined with other hair-growth procedures like micro-needling.
  • Finasteride (Propecia)
    This medicine is only prescribed to men, and it is to be consumed orally. It helps curb the speed of hair loss and induces new hair growth.
  • Hair transplant
    This surgical technique involves removing hair follicles from a patch with healthy hair growth and restoring it to the head’s balding areas. It is an option only if the above treatments do not work and if they experience permanent hair loss.
  • Laser therapy
    Low-level laser therapy is usually recommended to patients after they lose hair due to chemotherapy or is prescribed to patients for its healing effect after hair transplant. Additionally, it is also a solution for people with alopecia areata.
    Please ensure you also discuss the side effects of the above treatments with your doctor.


Natural Ways to Remove Uwanted Hair

Natural Ways to Remove Uwanted Hair

Body hair is a common occurrence in almost every person. While some don’t mind it, others prefer to have it removed. Most people resort to temporary hair removal methods, such as waxing and shaving, that can leave your skin smooth and hairless for a few weeks or even months. If you wish to extend that period, listed below are some methods to help you get rid of body hair permanently.

Here are some natural hair removal techniques to help you get rid of body hair permanently:

Turmeric and papaya
Turmeric is well-known for its beneficial effects on the skin. Since it has a sticky texture, it glues to the hair and skin when mixed with turmeric, which comes off gently when you scrub it. Papaya is also known to get rid of unwanted hair from the body permanently. You can mix turmeric with other natural ingredients, such as gram flour, papaya peel, chickpea flour, milk, and yogurt for added skin benefits.

Sugar and honey
For this method, you need to take a few cups of sugar, mix it with water half of its quantity, and simmer it until it turns slightly brown. You can also add a little bit of lemon and honey to this mixture if you wish to do so. Once the mix is ready, you should use it just as you would use any other type of wax. Compared with artificial waxing, this method allows the hair to be uprooted from the follicles, which gradually reduces hair growth on your body.

Onion and basil
Onion on its own is known to promote hair growth when used on the skin. However, when crushed with some basil leaves, the chemicals in basil reverse the onion’s actions and inhibit hair growth on our body. The antioxidants present in basil leaves can also eliminate any rashes or blemishes present on the skin.

Lavender oil and tea tree oil
Oils like lavender and tea tree are known to have properties that alter the number of androgynous hormones released in our body, reducing the growth of hair on our body. These can be used alone or added to a mask or paste made with gram flour, cornstarch, eggs, etc.

Gelatin and milk
This mask is made by mixing a spoonful of gelatin with three times the amount of milk. Once you have heated and adequately cooled this mixture, you can apply it to areas you want to remove hair from. This solution is quite sticky, and it can help get rid of unwanted facial or body hair quite easily.

Potato and lentils
Since potatoes are acidic in nature, they help lighten the color of unwanted hair and gradually reduce their growth rate. To make this remedy, all you need to do is mix a little bit of lentil paste with some potato extract, some honey, and some lemon. Then you can apply this paste to your skin and leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off.


6 Tips to Cover Fine Lines and Wrinkles

6 Tips to Cover Fine Lines and Wrinkles

As you age, your skin changes in several ways. However, there are things we can do to ensure our skin still looks fabulous. Bad techniques will make one’s wrinkles and fine lines look more prominent. On the other hand, with the right products and techniques, you can flaunt your mature skin at any age. Here are six makeup tips that will help cover fine lines and wrinkles.

Just like your body, your skin also needs hydration. Using a serum that keeps the moisture intact, followed by a moisturizer, can do wonders for your skin. Not only will it reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but it will also help makeup to blend in easily. It is also important to drink a lot of water throughout the day and apply sunscreen before stepping out in the sun. Also, don’t forget to use a moisturizer after washing your face.

Begin with a silicone primer
Silicone-based primers work wonders for your makeup. It creates a smooth base for your makeup and blurs out fine lines and wrinkles. After moisturizer, apply a primer on your nose, cheek, and forehead, and blend evenly. Avoid using a sponge as it will soak most of the product. A simple brush or your fingers will get the job done easily. Give the primer a few minutes to settle before applying your foundation.

Use lightweight foundation
Avoid using a full-coverage foundation on mature skin as it settles into fine lines and wrinkles, making them more prominent. Opting for a lightweight foundation or even a BB cream will help diminish any fine lines. This tip makes your makeup look natural.

Avoid the powder
Powder tends to settle down into fine lines and wrinkles, enhancing the texture of the mature skin. Switch to cream alternatives to end up with a more natural and flawless look. If you simply can’t let go of powder, avoid using it on areas where your wrinkles are the most noticeable.

Use less concealer
Over application of concealer can make it difficult to blend in with other makeup products. You could use a tad bit of it after using your foundation. It is advisable to use a shade lighter than your foundation to help your skin look fresh and glowy. If you intend to cover spots, a concealer that matches the shade of your foundation will work perfectly fine. Another important makeup tip for fine lines and wrinkles is to avoid using full coverage concealers. Opt for lightweight, sheer to medium coverage concealers.

Skip the lashes
Avoid using artificial lashes, as they might make your eyelids look saggy. Instead, use a good quality mascara and an eyelash curler. They give your lashes more volume. You can also use a single eyeshadow pigment and eyeliner to enhance your eyes. Avoid using dark shades on your eyes as they may enhance your texture.


5 Cosmetic Surgeries That Cost the Most

5 Cosmetic Surgeries That Cost the Most

Plastic surgeries are no longer just common among celebrities but has taken over as a trend for laymen too. The number of cosmetic surgeries performed continue to rise by a remarkable percentage. This article shares the five most expensive cosmetic surgeries and their average costs. Where you live and the level of cosmetic changes required of course have a direct influence on the plastic surgeon’s fee.

Full-body Lift
When someone is looking to not only get rid of the excess fat from their whole body but also tighten their skin while doing so, doctors usually recommend a full-body plastic surgery. The procedure is also usually adopted by someone who has lost substantial weight but their skin finds it difficult to conform. This procedure takes care of the saggy arms, chest, back, stomach, waist, buttocks, thighs, calves and groin. A full body plastic surgery costs between $11,000 and $25,000.

Lower Body Lift
A lower-body lift involves getting rid of the extra cellulite and saggy skin. This procedure is opted by people for whom liposuction isn’t an option. Unlike liposuction, this procedure not only gets rid of the excess fat but also tightens the skin that loses its natural elasticity due to fluctuating weight changes. This procedure involves lifting the skin around the waist, stomach, groin, buttocks and thighs. This procedure normally costs around $8,000.

Face Lift
Although a facelift is an expensive procedure, many people in the country opt for it and the number has only been rising every year. A face lift helps improve signs of ageing on the face and neck by removing excess skin and tightening facial tissues; moreover, it eradicates a double chin to give the face a sharper look. When combined with brow and eyelid lift procedures, a face lift is more effective. Minute facial plastic surgeries that include getting rid of a scar or an endoscopic facelift might cost less than a full facial lift that comes with a tag of $10,000 to $20,000.

Tummy Tuck
This plastic surgery is common for women to opt after childbirth. After carrying a baby for nine months, for some women, the skin loses its elasticity and refuses to take its original place. And in that case, they resort to a tummy tuck. Also people with saggy skin after substantial weight loss opt for this surgery. This plastic surgery can cost between $6,000 and $8,000.

Breast Reduction
Large breast size can be the underlying cause of many discomforts like back, shoulder and neck pain, and skin irritation under breasts. It can also restrict women from running or engaging in some forms of exercises. The feeling of self-consciousness that comes with ill-proportioned breasts can have a significant impact on a woman’s social life. While breast augmentation is common for women across the country, breast reduction is usually opted to prioritize quality of life. This surgery comes with a tag of around $6,000.


Top Tips for a Perfect No-makeup Makeup Look

Top Tips for a Perfect No-makeup Makeup Look

While we all love rocking a glamorous eye every now and then, on most days, our go-to is a natural and effortless look. People who generally do not prefer wearing a lot of makeup but wish to appear put-together tend to opt for easily-achievable looks that do not need a bunch of products. If you’re one of them, here are some easy tips to help you achieve that perfect no-makeup makeup look.


Take care of your skin
Your skin acts as a canvas each time you apply makeup on it. So as to create a masterpiece, be it simple or glamorous, it is important that the base is healthy. In the case of a simple, no-makeup look, it is often recommended to use very few products for your face to be as natural as possible. If your skin isn’t healthy, you might need to go for a heavier base of foundation and concealer, which won’t look as natural as you’d want it to be. Even before you apply any layer of makeup, make sure your face is cleansed, and moisturized and that you have a healthy layer of sun protection on.

Wear a good primer
After you are done with your skincare routine, the first thing that should be done is priming your skin. For a natural look, it is best to go for a lightweight base, which can be accomplished by using either a tinted moisturizer or BB cream if you want to skip using foundation altogether.

If you do want to go for a layer of foundation, make sure that it is light in weight. You may not need to use a full coverage foundation and concealer, especially if it is hot outside. Concealers are generally used to hide any minor blemishes or dark patches, but can also be skipped if you wish to do that.

Use cream-based products
Cream-based products are extremely easy to blend in and help achieve that dewy, natural look quite effortlessly for most people. Ensuring that all the makeup products you use are cream-based will help blend them better and also allows the end-result to look more natural.

One of the most defining features of a natural, no-makeup makeup look is the dewy texture. This can be accomplished by using a mild highlighter or some shimmer. There is a wide range of illuminators available in the market that will help your skin get the extra glow that you love.

For a natural, flushed appearance, you can apply a light touch of blush on the apples of your cheeks and blend it in properly with a large fluffy brush. Make sure that you pick a shade that matches your complexion.

Go easy on the eyes
If you want to enhance your eyes, you can opt for a thin stroke of eyeliner in a more muted shade. You can ditch the mascara if you want to emphasize them too much. Since you are going for a more natural look, it is important that you keep the eye makeup to a minimum.


Pick the Right Lipstick Shade for Different Outfits

Pick the Right Lipstick Shade for Different Outfits

Picking the right lipstick color for your outfits can get tedious – especially with all the different shades, undertones, and formulas out there. The fear of messing up or looking too bold often has women leaving out lipsticks altogether. To ensure you look your best and don’t skip out on the fun stuff, we have put together a list of common outfit colors and lipstick shades that complement them.


Lipsticks for red outfits
Shades of red look fabulous with red-colored outfits. Either a darker shade of red or something tipping toward nude would make a good match. Although, this usually depends on whether warm or cool shades of red match your skin tone. If you want to create a bold look, you could try out colors like black and burgundy too.

Lipsticks for pink outfits
For pink dresses, shades like peach, soft orange, and other shades of pink look great. For pale or light shades of pink clothing, light pink or even nude lipsticks, get the job done. Subtle eye and cheek makeup also complement pink outfits.

Lipsticks for purple outfits
If you are choosing a purple outfit, you can opt for different shades of pink lipsticks. You might have to try a few shades before you get the right one. You can also blend in two different shades of lipsticks to achieve a better shade. If you want to feel fierce and bold, you can always opt for darker shades of purple. Try avoiding red as it doesn’t always complement purple outfits.

Lipsticks for orange outfits
A bold red or even a light peach looks stunning on orange-colored outfits. All you need to keep in mind is that your lipstick shade should be less vibrant. Make sure the lipstick shades suit your skin tone and don’t wash you out.

Lipsticks for yellow outfits
Shades of red lipsticks go well with yellow dresses too. A lot also depends on your accessories and your makeup. For example, if you opt for bold eyes, a light red or nude lipstick will be a good option. However, if your eye and face makeup are minimal, a dark red lipstick would look the best.

Lipsticks for green outfits
Different shades of red and brown will complement your green outfits. Popular combinations with green are corals, pink, peach, and red. Although, you must pick a color that matches not just your dress, but your complexion too. Darker eye makeup and light lipstick shades like nude look great with green dresses.

Lipsticks for blue outfits
A variety of colors look great on blue outfits. Deep colors like red, burgundy, brown, and even some shades of orange complement blue dresses. If you want to keep things simple, any nude lipstick will help the overall outfit look stunning, provided you go a little bold on your eye makeup.

Lipsticks for grey, black, or white outfits
All of these are neutral, cool colors – that means you can pair it with almost any lipstick shade of your choice. Bold reds, cool reds, nude, pink, burgundy, and black are a few of the common lipstick shades that can be paired with these colors.


5 Natural Ways to Bid Goodbye to Dandruff

5 Natural Ways to Bid Goodbye to Dandruff

Dandruff is a skin condition caused by factors like dietary habits and dry skin. It affects almost 50% of the population worldwide, but men are more likely to develop it. Itchy and flaky scalp, along with flakes falling on the shoulder and accumulating in the hair, are trademark symptoms. Thankfully, it isn’t a serious condition and can be cured even without medications.
Here are five simple home remedies to get rid of dandruff naturally.


Aloe vera gel
Chances are that you already know about the healing properties of aloe vera. The succulent plant has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties, which make it useful against dandruff. Aloe vera gel also contains bioactive compounds that help reduce dandruff, and studies have shown that it improves moisture retention, promotes wound healing, and reduces inflammation. You can apply the gel directly over your scalp.

Baking soda
When used in moderation, baking soda can treat dandruff. The compound acts as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and scaling. Baking soda also has antifungal properties, which come in handy against dandruff and other common fungi that cause skin infections. For best results, apply baking soda over wet hair and let it rest for a minute or two before shampooing.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is useful for fighting several skin conditions, including dandruff. It prevents dryness and improves skin hydration, which is more than enough to soothe the symptoms of dandruff. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties have been studied in great detail, and it has been found that coconut oil reduces inflammation and fights off microbes. The best way to reap its benefits is to apply coconut oil over your scalp and let it rest overnight or at least for a few minutes. This allows it to penetrate the scalp and repair the damage.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Increasing the intake of omega-3 fats keeps your skin healthy. Omega-3s promote wound healing and hydrate the skin, reducing itchiness and dryness, which are the trademark symptoms of dandruff. A deficiency of the compound promotes these issues. Additionally, these healthy fats are capable of reducing inflammation, which is highly beneficial as dandruff often causes redness and inflammation. Nuts, seeds, and fatty fish like trout and mackerel are excellent sources of this compound.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol, a naturally occurring bioactive compound that has strong anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. It alleviates the symptoms of dandruff, and it also helps relieve other problems like seborrheic dermatitis. Plus, regular use of tea tree oil improves itchiness, greasiness, and dryness associated with the condition. That said, you should never use undiluted tea tree oil on your scalp. Dilute it by adding a few drops to a carrier oil, or you can add it to your shampoo.


4 Affordable Teeth Whitening Procedures

4 Affordable Teeth Whitening Procedures

White teeth are a prized asset. Everyone wants their teeth to shine like milk, no matter what time of the day it is. They enhance appearance, which in turn positively impacts self-esteem. Sadly though, not everyone has white teeth for innumerable reasons. Most often, it is due to eating and drinking habits or smoking too much. These are called extrinsic factors, meaning ones that you can control.

Intrinsic factors, such as age or illness, are equally responsible for tooth discoloration, although you cannot do anything about it. That said, you can, however, consult a dentist and use a teeth whitening procedure to improve your teeth’s coloration. Find out your options below.

Teeth whitening strips
These are fairly simple strips that apply peroxide directly over your teeth. Peroxide is the ingredient that bleaches the enamel and makes your teeth whiter. The more the percentage of peroxide in the strip, the better it will be at removing stains from your teeth. These strips come pretty cheap, costing around $50, and are available at most drugstores.

Teeth whitening trays and gels
Whitening trays and gels work almost exactly like teeth whitening strips. The tray, which has the gel containing peroxide in it, is to be worn for an hour or overnight for a few days. Visible results can be noted within 2-3 weeks. It could be quicker, too, if the tray and gel have been obtained from the dentist. They generally contain stronger peroxide as compared to the ones bought at a local drugstore. Another benefit is that whitening trays and gels bought from the dentist are custom fit, so the bleaching agent doesn’t come in contact with the gums and cause problems.

Teeth whitening toothpaste
This is easily the simplest method to whiten teeth. The toothpaste contains mild abrasives and certain special chemicals that effectively remove stains. However, their effect isn’t long-lasting, so you’ll have to brush your teeth again and again, which might cause trouble down the line.

Teeth whitening rinses
Although not as effective as some of the other methods, rinses can be used for mild teeth discoloration. They contain peroxide and are to be used in the same way as other types of mouthwash. Choose a whitening rinse that doesn’t have alcohol, as it could end up discoloring your teeth even more.

The four teeth whitening methods listed above are all inexpensive. However, they’re not as effective as some other procedures, such as in-office bleaching and teeth whitening devices. Both these methods are slightly expensive but produce better results and in double-quick time. In-office bleaching is especially great and saves you more money in the long run. The procedure usually takes just over an hour to complete and is carried out in the dentist’s office.


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