Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel condition associated with the development of ulcers on the inner lining of the large intestine and the rectum. This autoimmune disease causes discomforting symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, rectal bleeding, and bowel movement urgency. While there are medical treatments to manage the symptoms, dietary changes can be highly beneficial for ulcerative colitis flare.

Rice, eggs, white pasta
To avoid a UC flare-up, the key is to avoid spicy and savory foods. One must resort to bland foods like rice, plain egg whites, white pasta, avocado, steamed fish, plain oats, and non-citrus juices.

Milk, cheese, pudding, and yogurt
Dairy products can be included in the diet if the patient isn’t lactose intolerant. However, remember to opt for unsweetened products.

Ripe fruits
Ripe fruits have a soft texture, and that is the ideal way to consume foods for people who have ulcerative colitis. You can eat fruits like soft bananas, pears, peaches, cantaloupe, and papaya. Such fruits are easy to digest and don’t interfere with the inflammation in the intestine compared to raw fruits.

Well-cooked vegetables
High-fibrous foods like broccoli, spinach, asparagus, and beans are a little tough to digest. This means our bodies take time to break these down, and usually, the system has to work twice as hard. For smooth digestion, vegetables must be thoroughly cooked instead of being sauteed and left crispy.

Kimchi, kefir, miso, sauerkraut
These are probiotic foods that are rich in good bacteria. Good bacteria are especially beneficial for the gut as they aid in digestion and soothes UC symptoms. Ulcerative colitis is an illness that involves the growth of abnormal gut bacteria that tries to outnumber the good bacteria. That’s why doctors emphasize including foods that are high in probiotics.

Jerusalem artichokes, oats, leeks, onions, garlic, and dandelion root
Prebiotic foods listed above help feed the good bacteria, which is essential in creating a healthy balance of microbes. It’s ideal to have both good and bad bacteria in balance to help soothe the inflammation.

Applesauce (unsweetened)
The best bet is to prepare homemade applesauce as it will be free from preservatives, sugar, and food color. All these ingredients can contribute to an ulcerative colitis flare-up and are hence to be avoided.

Salmon, sardines, walnuts, chia, and flax seeds
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can aid in soothing the inflammation and, in turn, help manage the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Additionally, it also helps prevent relapses. While there are many omega-3 fatty acids supplements available in the market, it’s best to consume them in their natural form.

Lean meat, poultry, soy-based foods, and legumes
Try to get an adequate intake of proteins right after a flare, as a lot of it is lost during the severe inflammation. This category includes foods like skinless chicken and turkey, fat-trimmed pork, fish, and eggs infused with omega-3 fatty acids.

While this article shares foods to eat during an ulcerative colitis flare, it’s important to discuss your diet with your doctor.


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