Essential oils are therapeutic, but you may need to rethink their usage if you have pets. Animals are highly sensitive to the strong fragrances of these natural oils, so they may not react the same way that humans do. You must follow utmost caution and keep a few safety tips in mind when using essential oils around pets. Here are eight tips to enjoy the healing benefits of essential oils without harming your pets.


Do not use it directly on pets
The most important safety tip for using essential oils around pets is to speak to your vet before doing so. Additionally, you should never apply concentrated essential oils directly on your pet’s coat as it can cause them discomfort. It can also lead to rashes, skin irritation, and even burns. Along with this, ensure that your pet does not swallow it.

Use oils that are safe around animals
Several essential oils can cause health complications for your pet, so ensure that you pick a pet-friendly oil. A few natural oils you can safely use around pets are frankincense, peppermint, and lavender. On the other hand, basil, clove, and eucalyptus oils are strict no-nos.

Use only high-quality oils
Use quality essential oils that are free from any added chemicals. Certain additives could be toxic to pets, so ensure that you use therapeutic-grade or organic oils only.

Keep diffusers out of reach of pets
Keep bottles containing essential oils as well as the diffusers away from your pet’s reach. Droplets from the diffuser may fall on your pet, or they may playfully grab a bottle, exposing them to undiluted essential oils. This can prove harmful to your pet.

Be alert
Always be alert of your pets around essential oils and diffusers. If you notice that your pet is acting differently or is showing any signs like weakness, vomiting, or panting, rush them to a vet. These symptoms could result from exposure to essential oils.

Have a spare room
Do not confine your pet in a room with a diffuser. Your pet’s nose is more sensitive to the strong fragrance than yours. One of the effective safety tips for using essential oils around pets is to keep the doors and windows open if they want to move away from the smell. Allow your pet access to another room, preferably away from the diffuser.

Adequate ventilation
Always ensure that the room containing the diffuser has an adequate supply of air. Else, the smell may irritate your pets and even trigger serious problems like low heart rate, tremors, and difficulty breathing.

Always dilute essential oils
Concentrated essential oils can leak from the bottle or diffuser and can lead to adverse reactions if ingested by your pet. A crucial safety tip for using essential oils on or around pets is to dilute them with a carrier oil. Even oils considered beneficial for pets are not safe if undiluted.


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