If you’re finding it difficult to hit the gym and stick to an exercise regime, try working out from your home. You’re less likely to miss a session if you have all the necessities at home. And it means you have 24/7 access. While setting up a home gym might be a little heavy for your pocket, it’s easier than you think! Here are some basic yet essential equipment must-haves for your home gym.


Exercise mats and resistance bands
If you’ve decided to make your own workout space at home, these are among the most basic pieces of equipment you can buy for your daily workouts. An exercise mat provides you with a firm surface to exercise on so as to prevent any injury or bruising. And you can use resistance bands for bodyweight training exercises, even without any other equipment.

Another basic yet important piece of equipment that you need to buy when setting up a home gym is some free weights. You can get fixed dumbbells or choose adjustable ones if you’re aiming to size up in the future. Kettlebells are also recommended since they can be used in a variety of ways to keep your heart rate elevated.

Pull-up bar
A pull-up bar is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used in several ways. Different types of pull-up bars are available in the market, and you can either mount these on a door frame or set up their own frame in a room. If you’re a beginner with pull-ups, using resistance bands may help.

Jump rope
Jump ropes are handy to have in home gyms since they can get your heart rate up in no time. This basic home gym equipment is a good alternative for cardio if you don’t want to spend big bucks on a lot of cardio equipment.

Medicine ball
A medicine ball is mainly used in endurance training and circuit workouts. While it’s a basic equipment must-have for a home gym, it provides enough resistance to challenge the body and gives you a proper workout.

Training bench
A training bench is a necessary part of your home gym setup if you’re planning to do a lot of weightlifting. If it is stable and strong enough, it can also be a part of your circuit routines when you need to do jumps.

If you can invest in one, it is recommended to get this equipment for your home gym setup. A treadmill provides an easy way of getting your cardio workout in, and you don’t have to worry about the biting cold weather when you’re exercising at home.

Stationary bike
Instead of the treadmill, you can spend on a stationary bike for your cardio workouts. You can use this bike to take online spin classes that are highly effective for getting your heart rate up quickly.


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