Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of respiratory diseases, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis, that cause breathing difficulties due to blockages in the airways and lungs. Diet and lifestyle play important roles in managing the symptoms. Certain foods help relieve the symptoms, while some can aggravate the condition, so it’s important to understand which ones can be harmful.

Here are seven worst foods for COPD patients.

Cruciferous vegetables
Any foods that trigger bloating are harmful to people with respiratory diseases. Cruciferous vegetables are beneficial for the body, but they are known to cause gas and bloating in many. This can aggravate COPD, so these veggies are best restricted from the diet.

Bread or other foods that contain simple and refined carbohydrates and sugars are known to have inflammatory properties that may contribute to worsening lung health in people with COPD and other respiratory conditions. Sources of simple carbohydrates are among the worst foods for COPD patients as they also cause excess carbon dioxide production, stressing the lungs. Instead, complex carbohydrates can be chosen as they also provide the necessary nutrition along with triggering carbon dioxide production.

Fried foods
Fried and greasy foods are also known to cause bloating and inflammation in some people. These foods also elevate the risk of gaining weight and can cause obesity, which can worsen COPD and other respiratory conditions. Instead, one can switch to baked alternatives when craving some crispy treats.

Excess consumption of salt increases the sodium levels in the blood, which can lead to excess fluid retention in the body. This may also elevate blood pressure and cause shortness of breath. Limiting salt consumption and choosing to add more herbs and spices for flavor can help manage COPD.

Processed meats
Processed or cured meats are also among the worst foods for COPD patients. The nitrites, which are added to help increase the shelf life of processed meats, are known to worsen lung-disorders and may result in lung inflammation. So, it’s best to stay away from cured meats like bacon and ham.

Excessive alcohol consumption can prove detrimental in several ways. It puts an individual at risk of contracting heart disorders and stresses the liver, and the sulfites in alcohol can worsen asthmatic symptoms. So, COPD patients are recommended to limit their alcohol consumption to a couple of drinks a week.

Sure, milk and milk products are packed with nutrition, but they’re among the worst foods for COPD patients. The breakdown of milk releases casomorphin, a substance that increases mucus production in the body and leads to a feeling of thick phlegm. This excess mucus and phlegm need to be expelled from the body, which triggers coughing. Intolerance to dairy may also cause bloating in certain people.


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