Everyone wishes to have a picture-perfect smile with uniform-looking teeth. While some are blessed with one naturally, some need help getting there. If you belong to the latter and are contemplating your options, this article shares why Invisalign braces are a better option over metal braces. Invisalign dental braces have clearly taken over the trend for people of all ages.


If you need minimal adjustment like getting rid of the gap between teeth and moving teeth to their appropriate position without extracting any molars, this option eliminates the complex treatment of metal braces.

You can choose from either BPA-free plastic or acrylic material. Invisalign braces are custom-built for the patient’s comfort. The smooth surface of the Invisalign braces eliminates the risk of getting cuts on the tongue and inside of the mouth. That means you’re looking at no extra dental visits to adjust the metal brackets or deal with the cuts.

Low maintenance
Invisalign braces can be cleaned at home, and it’s super simple to take care of them. All Invisalign braces come with a solution to make them squeaky-clean; this saves you from an additional dental visit for cleaning.

Liberty of eating everything
With Invisalign, you don’t have to curb your temptation of gum, candy, corn chips, popcorn, or pretzels. This is because the Invisalign trays are to be removed while eating, as chewing can cause serious damage to them. They are safe and easy to remove.

Aesthetically pleasing
Unlike the traditional metal braces, Invisalign braces are aesthetically pleasing as they’re barely visible. They won’t ruin your pictures from graduation or take away your confidence from giving a sales pitch at work. In fact, after a few weeks, you’ll barely even notice that you have them on.

Fewer dental visits
This option also involves fewer dental visits since these braces can be cleaned at home and don’t need a replacement if they’re well-maintained. This, in the long run, ends up saving you the time and cost of every appointment.

Lesser tenure of treatment
While braces are a permanent fix until the dental treatment is over, Invisalign allows you to set the braces aside for two hours daily. While an average treatment with braces can be two years long, Invisalign braces only take six to 18 months to show results. Of course, the tenure of treatment could differ based on the level of adjustment needed by a user. Invisalign braces demand way less commitment than conventional metal braces. They sure are an expensive option, but they’re also easy to maintain, demand fewer orthodontist visits, and are way more comfortable than metal braces.


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