If you have pets in your house, it is common to worry about a tick or lice infestation as summer approaches. If you have a garden in your backyard, it is common for such parasites to live there. While that may be the case, there are certain plants that you can grow in your backyard, which will help repel these ticks and lice from your house. Here are some such plants that you can bring home.


Almost everybody loves the smell of lavender from time to time. The lavender plant belongs to the mint family and is quite useful in fending off unwanted pests, ticks, and mites from your backyard. Planting a lavender plant in your home garden will keep your animals and your house protected from any infestation. Other plants that fall under this category may include pennyroyal and mint. These herbs are also relatively easy to grow, so if you want to get started in gardening, these may be great to start from.

You might already know of this herb since it is quite commonly used in cooking. While the smell of this herb may take some time to get used to, it is quite effective in warding off pests and ticks from your house. The best part about planting this herb in your backyard is that you can get the extra benefit of getting free, hand-plucked herbs for your cooking adventures.

Wormwood is a type of wild plant that grows almost everywhere. It is mainly found in the United States and has a signature bitter taste that animals hate. This is a great plant to have in your backyard because it repels ticks and lice and protects your house from mice and other rodents.

The most significant and conspicuous aspect of garlic is that it has a very prominent smell to it. Planting some garlic in your backyard is hugely beneficial since it will ward off any insects and pests and also allow you to have free garlic for a long time. However, remember that garlic plants will probably make your entire backyard smell like garlic, so you should probably skip this one if you are sensitive to that.

While sage is notoriously said to be good for warding off dark energies from your house, you might not know that it can also repel irritating pests and insects from your house. It has a powerful scent and is known for its natural cleaning properties. It can also be used as a herb while cooking certain dishes.

This is a plant you won’t regret planting in your garden. Who knew that a plant with such beautiful flowers could be used to repel insects away from your house? You can abundantly plant these in your backyards and balconies since they are relatively easy to grow and look gorgeous because of their vibrant color.


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