Coffee serves as an essential part of the morning routine for most of us. A good cup of coffee can turn your day around and help you feel energized and ready to take over the world. While it has definitely earned a bad name for its various effects, coffee can actually be good for you if consumed in moderate quantities. Here are some antioxidants that are commonly present in your morning cup of joe.


Did you know that caffeine also acts as an antioxidant? Its structure is similar to that of uric acid, a known antioxidant that helps our body combat headaches and gives us the burst of energy that we know very well. Research is also being done to understand how caffeine present in tea or coffee can help improve certain heart diseases.

Quinine is an antioxidant in coffee that is known to give it the signature bitter taste. The potency of quinine in coffee beans becomes more prominent after the beans are roasted. This antioxidant is used as a primary substance in treating malaria since it effectively kills the malarial parasite that infects the body.

Hydrocinnamic acids
Hydrocinnamic acids are substances that can neutralize free radicals in our body. Some free radicals that can be neutralized by hydrocinnamic acid are 3-Caffeoylquinic acid, 4-Caffeoylquinic acid, and 5-Caffeoylquinic acid.

Polyphenols are a large group of compounds that contain more than one phenol unit. These compounds are beneficial for our health and can help improve digestion, brain function, heart health, and slowing down the process of aging. Chlorogenic acid is one of the major polyphenols present in coffee.

Trigonelline is an alkaloid compound that breaks down in our body to give nicotinic acid and pyridines. Nicotinic acid, or niacin, is also known as vitamin B3 and is one of the essential vitamins needed by our body. Trigonelline has antibacterial qualities and can be extremely helpful in maintaining dental health in people. The signature aroma of coffee is given to it by trigonelline. This antioxidant is found particularly in green coffee.

Cafestol is a diterpene that serves as an antioxidant to the body. It helps in maintaining the health of our digestive system by regulating the amount of bile secreted in the intestines. Unlike some other antioxidants, cafestol is still found in coffee after decaffeination and tremendously improves brain health and memory by reducing any inflammation in the brain.


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