If you are a pet parent, understanding your pet’s medical and physical requirements is essential. You have to take care of their health and safety. But, if you’re new to parenting pets, we’ve got your back. This article shares signs and symptoms of toxicity in pets that need immediate attention.


Diarrhea, vomiting and reduced appetite
These symptoms indicate gastrointestinal poisoning. Ingestion of chocolates, alcohol, garbage, lead paint or application of flea and tick products on their body can cause this condition. Your pets may also show these signs of toxicity if they have consumed English ivy, English holly, and other toxic plants. Make sure you keep these plants away from your pets. Also, avoid toxic plants like lilies, sago palm, oleander, and cyclamen.

Seizures, accidental urination or defecation
These signs are usually accompanied by growling, frozen limbs or loss of balance. These symptoms are directly associated with kidney failure, liver disease, brain tumor, trauma or ingestion of toxins. Household products that can potentially cause these symptoms in dogs include aspirin, insect repellents, gasoline, furniture polish, dishwasher detergent, insecticides and any other chemical cleaners. Pets may also be at risk of ingesting toads, spiders, and other insects that are commonly found in gardens.

Fever, shivering, muscle tenderness, increased thirst
Rodents can pass on leptospirosis in pets, which include symptoms listed above. Having an open garden can pose a risk as there are high chances of rodents and mice coming in direct contact with pets. Having said that, leptospirosis can also occur in pets with indirect contact like ingesting rat urine, saliva, or defecation.

Increased heart rate, blood pressure, or lethargy
Accidental intake of human medication like anti-depressants or ADHD medications by dogs or cats can lead to fatal symptoms like increased body temperature, elevated heart rate, and breathing issues.

Bleeding from the gut and stomach ulceration
When pets intake anti-inflammatory or pain-killers like aspirin, paracetamol, and ibuprofen, pets can suffer from the listed symptoms along with vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding from the gut. These symptoms are also common when they intake Vitamin D supplements. When these symptoms of pet toxicity are neglected, they may lead to long-term issues like stomach ulceration and kidney failure.

Disorientation or lack of coordination
If you or any of your family members have diabetes, keep your medicines away from your pet’s reach. Ingestion of these medicines can cause your pet’s blood sugar levels to significantly drop. The medicines can also affect the central nervous system, leading to seizures and lack of coordination.
It is safe to say that all human medicines if ingested by pets, can have significant consequences. In fact, an overdose of their own meds prescribed by vets can also be fatal for them.


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