Making the right dietary choices forms a big part of managing any illness. This is especially the case for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). As they experience severe lung-related symptoms, monitoring food intake becomes important to ensure nothing triggers the condition. However, many patients unknowingly make dietary mistakes that have greater effects on their health than they can foresee. Knowing these common errors can help with preventive care.

Snacking on processed food
Processed foods contain preservatives, additives, and colors that are bad for you. They increase the toxins in the bloodstream and also have minimal nutritional value, which can trigger COPD symptoms. Patients should avoid cold cuts and cured meats, like ham, bacon, and turkey slices. These contain nitrates that hinder digestion and make it difficult for COPD patients to cope with the condition.

Including cruciferous veggies in the diet
We are told time and again that cruciferous vegetables are good for our health. So, it is no surprise that COPD patients make the mistake of having veggies like broccoli, cabbage, kale, and bok choy. All these greens are rich in fiber, which makes them bad for COPD. The fiber causes digestive problems, as it is a complex matter to break down. This affects airflow and breathing. Although nutritious, it’s better to limit consumption of these cruciferous veggies.

Eating foods that cause bloating
Bloating does no good to the body, especially for people with COPD, as it causes breathing problems. Foods like apples, melons, and peaches can increase the amount of gas in the body and worsen the symptoms. Having too much spicy food can lead to gas buildup as well. When the stomach bloats, it increases pain in the intestines, which, in turn, can cause disturbance to patients.

High sodium intake
Salt brings out the flavor in any meal. So, it is present in almost everything we eat. But this taste-booster has sodium, which retains water in the body and causes dehydration. When the body is deprived of water, the organs have to work harder to carry out their normal functions. This applies pressure on the lungs and heart and can lead to breathing issues. As a precaution, consume foods with minimal salt and drink enough water.

Another dietary mistake that COPD patients make is eating sizable portions of food. The body uses up energy to eat and digest food, and overeating can tire the body. Moreover, if you’re eating junk food, which is like consuming empty calories, the body derives minimal energy and fails to function optimally. Help the body out by consuming smaller meals during the day. Doing this will boost the circulation of nutrients throughout the body and will reduce the risk of shortness of breath.
COPD patients need to take proactive measures to maintain the health of their lungs. A good way to start this is by avoiding the above mistakes. Also, follow a balanced diet filled with nutrition to gradually notice an improvement in symptoms.


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