Snacking is good for health when done right. Having small portions of nutritious food helps lose weight and stabilize blood sugar, which benefits people with diabetes, especially. At the same time, avoiding unhealthy fats and sugars is essential while managing blood sugar, which means high-preservative treats should be avoided. So what should patients snack on? Here are five natural snacks perfect for diabetics.

Yogurt and berries parfait
This layered mix of fresh yogurt and berries is a refreshing snack with many benefits. Yogurt can lower blood sugar with its probiotic goodness and also help the body break down food optimally. On the other hand, berries give the body a good dose of antioxidants that protect the pancreas and help flush out toxins from the bloodstream. This natural snack checks most boxes: fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins. And, it’s delicious!

Roasted chickpeas
Chickpeas are packed with fiber, making them beneficial for those with diabetes. As fiber takes its own sweet time to break down, it releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream, preventing blood sugar from shooting up. Chickpeas are also a fantastic source of protein. To turn them into a tasty snack, patients can roast some chickpeas, drizzle olive oil, and sprinkle the spices they like.

Avocados and lime
Avocados are delicious fruits that can quickly be turned into a snack with a dash of lime. This tasty blend is excellent for maintaining blood sugar. Avocados also have monounsaturated fatty acids that keep a check on cholesterol levels, reducing the chances of diabetes complications like stroke and heart disease. There are different ways to snack on avocados and lime. One can blend them into a smoothie for a nourishing drink, add them to a salad, or have them with a little seasoning.

Pistachios are a storehouse of unsaturated fat, protein, and fiber, and a handful of these nuts help stabilize blood sugar and pressure. Pistachios are a snack by themselves, but one can also use them as a quick topping to any meal. Patients can drop them into their breakfast bowl with some fresh berries or add them to a homemade sauce for a pop of color and a little crunch.

Eggplant chips
People are addicted to potato chips because they are tasty and easy to munch on. But what if we swap the potato with eggplant? Eggplant is a nutritious alternative that turns out pretty crisp and delicious after some baking and seasoning. Moreover, it is a perfect snack for people with diabetes because of its high-fiber content and polyphenols, which encourage the body to stabilize blood sugar.

Managing diabetes involves paying close attention to the food one eats. Munching on snacks made with fruits, veggies, nuts, and other all-natural ingredients will supply nutrition to the body and keep a person healthy.


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