White teeth are a prized asset. Everyone wants their teeth to shine like milk, no matter what time of the day it is. They enhance appearance, which in turn positively impacts self-esteem. Sadly though, not everyone has white teeth for innumerable reasons. Most often, it is due to eating and drinking habits or smoking too much. These are called extrinsic factors, meaning ones that you can control.

Intrinsic factors, such as age or illness, are equally responsible for tooth discoloration, although you cannot do anything about it. That said, you can, however, consult a dentist and use a teeth whitening procedure to improve your teeth’s coloration. Find out your options below.

Teeth whitening strips
These are fairly simple strips that apply peroxide directly over your teeth. Peroxide is the ingredient that bleaches the enamel and makes your teeth whiter. The more the percentage of peroxide in the strip, the better it will be at removing stains from your teeth. These strips come pretty cheap, costing around $50, and are available at most drugstores.

Teeth whitening trays and gels
Whitening trays and gels work almost exactly like teeth whitening strips. The tray, which has the gel containing peroxide in it, is to be worn for an hour or overnight for a few days. Visible results can be noted within 2-3 weeks. It could be quicker, too, if the tray and gel have been obtained from the dentist. They generally contain stronger peroxide as compared to the ones bought at a local drugstore. Another benefit is that whitening trays and gels bought from the dentist are custom fit, so the bleaching agent doesn’t come in contact with the gums and cause problems.

Teeth whitening toothpaste
This is easily the simplest method to whiten teeth. The toothpaste contains mild abrasives and certain special chemicals that effectively remove stains. However, their effect isn’t long-lasting, so you’ll have to brush your teeth again and again, which might cause trouble down the line.

Teeth whitening rinses
Although not as effective as some of the other methods, rinses can be used for mild teeth discoloration. They contain peroxide and are to be used in the same way as other types of mouthwash. Choose a whitening rinse that doesn’t have alcohol, as it could end up discoloring your teeth even more.

The four teeth whitening methods listed above are all inexpensive. However, they’re not as effective as some other procedures, such as in-office bleaching and teeth whitening devices. Both these methods are slightly expensive but produce better results and in double-quick time. In-office bleaching is especially great and saves you more money in the long run. The procedure usually takes just over an hour to complete and is carried out in the dentist’s office.


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