Pet parents tend to shower their cats with treats as a way of showing them affection. But, this can be problematic in the long run. While the tiny store-bought snacks taste delicious, they are not the best option for your feline given the preservatives and additives they contain. Instead, you can try making some delicious, easy-to-prepare snacks at home such as the ones below.


Tuna and parsley treats
Tuna is good for your cat’s coat and skin and using it as a treat ingredient will give your cat the nutrition it needs. Combine tuna with flour, egg whites, and also parsley to make your homemade snack extra delicious.

Beef crumble
Beef is a fantastic source of protein for your cat. It can improve their eyesight and make their heart stronger. For this scrumptious crumble, all you need are three main ingredients: fresh beef mince, eggs, and catnip.

Chicken and cranberry delights
Pet owners can add cranberries to treats to reduce the risk of UTI in cats. Your pet may take some time to love the fruit, but this is a tried and tested addition to the list of 10 homemade snacks cats will love. Make them by combining oats, cranberries, chicken, olive oil, egg, and catnip.

Cornmeal biscuits
If your cat loves corn, try making tasty cornmeal biscuits for them. Add fish to make it more nutritious. Corn is a great source of fatty acids, which will keep your cat’s coat shiny and they may also enjoy the layers of textures in this snack.

Spinach and chicken treats
The many vitamins present in spinach make it a great addition to treats. It is also a good source of calcium and magnesium that will boost your cat’s health. Combine spinach with chicken to add in a nice dose of proteins too.

Fish and coconut bites
This lovely combination is also one of the 10 homemade snacks cats are sure to love. Mix sweet potatoes, egg, coconut flour, coconut oil, and canned fish to make the dough. Roll them into bite size pieces before you pop them in the oven!

Rabbit nuggets
If your cat is fond of rabbit meat, give this snack a whirl. Mix finely ground rabbit thighs and liver with a regular treat mix. Make small portions in the shape of nuggets and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Tuna softies
Prepare this no-bake snack within minutes. Add tuna to finely-cut steamed asparagus or carrots and use your palms to roll the mixture into tiny balls. Leave them out until they turn solid and then serve them to your cat.

Sardine and flaxseed hearts
This snack is a powerhouse of omega fatty acids. Plus, it’s super delicious. So why not whip it up quickly for your cat? Use a mix of sardines, flax seed, parsley, egg, and coconut oil. Pick a heart-shaped stencil to get the job done quickly instead of trying to shape them by hand.

Salmon munchies
Most cats delight in having salmon, so this snack is likely to be a winner among our feline friends. All you have to do is make bite-sized pieces of a salmon, egg, and flour mixture. Place these on a sheet and bake them in the oven until they turn golden.


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